

My old black cat passed away this morning
He never knew what a hard day was.
Woke up late and danced on tin roofs.
If questioned "Why?" answered, "Just because."

He never spoke much, preferring silence:
Eight lost lives was all he had.
Occasionally sneaked some Sunday dinner.
He wasn't good and he wasn't bad.

My old black cat wasn't much of a looker.
You could pass him by, just a quiet shadow.
Got pushed around by all the other little guys.
Didn't seem to mind much, just the way life goes.

Padded about in furry slippers.
Didn't make any special friends.
He played it cool with wide-eyed innocence,
Receiving gladly what the good Lord sends.

Forgot to give his Christmas present.
Black cat collar, nice and new.
Thought he'd make it through to New Year.
I guess this song will have to do.

My old black cat...
Old black cat...

收錄在他2003年的個人專輯RUPI'S DANCE裏,寫家貓的生存哲學,紀念他家的老貓Mauser。寫得真好,看起來是個沒脾氣的好貓啊。一開始我的疑問是家貓的歌爲何是凱爾特民歌調調,似乎不太搭調。後來轉念一想:莫非是放養在鄉間莊園的,這樣就可以接受了……封面上的小黑貓即專輯標題曲主人公則是當時他新收養的Rupi。Ian Anderson君據説是一位相當的愛貓人士。大概因爲是身價上千萬的有錢人(據説經營三文魚養殖場十分成功……),所以不僅幫助身邊的流浪貓,還把愛拓展到了“野生的小型貓科動物”這範圍,並且在官網上原創了一篇流浪小貓收養指南!